
Anti-Corruption Case Study: Corporate Investigations

Empowering Legal Education: Karanović & Partners Collaborates with Faculty of Law for Workshop Series

On 16 April, Karanović & Partners started a lecture series in collaboration with the Faculty of Law at the University of Belgrade. The first workshop was titled “Anti-Corruption Case Study: Corporate Investigations“.

Led by our Associates, Anja Mihajlović and Vladimir Jovanović, the workshop offered attendees an opportunity to glean insights from practical experiences. With a focus on critical topics such as whistleblower protection, sanctions for Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations, investigation preparation and investigative activities, participants were equipped with invaluable advice and perspectives.

Crafted as an element of the Case Study curriculum for undergraduate and master’s students, the workshop aimed to provide them with a holistic understanding of legal regulations and challenges prevalent in real-world scenarios. Through interactive discussions and in-depth analysis of keywords, students were encouraged to immerse themselves in the corporate investigations.

The response from the young scholars was positive. They engaged with industry professionals and underscored the workshop’s success in bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application.


Associate refers to Independent Attorney at Law in cooperation with Karanović & Partners.

The information in this document does not constitute legal advice on any particular matter and is provided for general informational purposes only.