
Intellectual Property News

Karanović & Partners at the IP and Video Games at Play Roundtable

On 30 March, Karanović & Partners co-hosted the IP and Video Games at Play online conference, organized by the International Trademark Association (INTA)’s Young Practitioners Committee. Other co-hosting firms were Ratza & ratza, one of the leading IP companies in Romania, and Flat Hill Games, a VR game development studio from Serbia.

Our Senior Associate Nikola Kliska, a member of the Copyright Committee – Artificial Intelligence, 3D, and Copyrights Subcommittee at INTA, took part in this online event. The other speaker was Adrian Djura, CEO and Founder of Flat Hill Games, while Stela Comanescu from Ratza & ratza and a member of the Events Subcommittee at INTA moderated the discussion.

The aim of the roundtable was to explore the interplay between video game development and their corresponding virtual property rights. As video game development became one of the fastest-growing creative industry sectors, and having in mind that video game designers are more storytellers and experts in visual arts than mere programmers, this industry makes room for a large spectrum of intellectual property rights (IPRs).

Therefore, such events raise awareness of it, taking the audience behind the scenes of video game design, and arousing interest in the industry.


Senior Associate refers to Independent Attorney at Law in cooperation with Karanović & Partners.

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