
North Macedonia: Public Calls for Choosing Heat Energy Providers

Public Calls for Choosing a Provider for Production, Distribution and Supply of Heat Energy in North Macedonia’s Capital

The Government of North Macedonia (“Government”) has published the public calls for choosing a provider for (i) regulated production of heat energy; (ii) distribution of heat energy; and (iii) supply of heat energy.

The Government intends to choose providers of the abovementioned energy activities (which are considered as public services) to meet the needs of consumers on the territory of Skopje in several municipalities, ahead of the upcoming heating season.

All legal entities established in North Macedonia who meet the criteria from the tender documentation can participate on the public calls and send their bids. A group of bidders, including consortiums, can also participate on the public calls. If their bid is selected as most favorable, the group of bidders will be obliged to establish a trade company in North Macedonia.

The bidders must be registered for conducting activities from class 35 (electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply) from the National Classification of Activities, and have cumulated income in the past three years of two billion, i.e. three billion MKD (approx. 32.3 million, i.e. 48.5 million EUR). Other criteria, including for technical or professional capability, must be met.

The deadline for sending questions is until 1 September 2022, while the deadline for submitting the bids is until 7 September 2022.

The tender documentation for each public call is available on the website of the Government, in Macedonian language. Upon request we can provide additional information regarding the public calls.

Earlier this summer, the Regulatory Commission for Energy and Water Services revoked the licenses for production, distribution and supply of heat energy of Balkan Energy Group (“BEG”). Some of the key reasons for the revocation of the licenses were BEG’s liquidity impairment and the legal uncertainty in the business due to the many legal disputes against BEG. Until the Government chooses providers for production, distribution and supply of heat energy, BEG will continue to conduct these activities in the city of Skopje.


The information in this document does not constitute legal advice on any particular matter and is provided for general informational purposes only.