
Business Breakfast in Slovenia

Tax Breakfast: Tax Relief for Investments in Digital and Green Transition

On 30 May, our colleagues from Ketler & Partners, member of Karanovic, organised their first Tax Breakfast in Ljubljana, Slovenia. With an engaging and innovative topic, the event focused on exploring the tax relief opportunities available for investments in the digital and green transition. Our colleagues, Partner Igor Angelovski and Tax Law Expert Maruša Pozvek from Ketler & Partners, member of Karanovic, hosted the event.

The Tax Breakfast aimed to shed light on the latest developments introduced by the Tax Relief for Investments in Digital and Green Transition program. This initiative was specifically designed to encourage socially responsible behaviour.

Speakers guided attendees through the novelties, adeptly addressing the concerns raised by the participants. They emphasized the significance of the Digital and Green Transition Investment Tax relief, showcasing how it represents a catalyst for both social and business transformation. It encourages companies to shift from traditional business models to more sustainable practices, thus contributing to a greener future.

Throughout the event, attendees were provided with valuable insights into the intricacies of the tax relief scheme, illustrating how these provisions could positively impact their operations. By leveraging tax relief opportunities, companies can not only achieve their financial goals but also actively contribute to the ongoing digital and green transition in the Slovenian economy.

The Tax Breakfast proved to be an engaging event, with participants leaving equipped with a deeper understanding of the topic. As tax regulations constantly evolve, such initiatives serve as platforms for knowledge sharing, fostering innovation, and enabling sustainable growth.


The information in this document does not constitute legal advice on any particular matter and is provided for general informational purposes only.