
Employment Business Breakfast

Employment Law Trends: Insights from Our Latest Business Breakfast

On 7 December, Karanović & Partners hosted their first employment business breakfast. Our Partner Milena Jakšić Papac, the head of the Employment team opened the event, offering an overview of the impending discussions covering the latest and most prominent topics in employment law.

Senior Associates Milijana Tomić, Valentina Đorđić Mijatović, and Aleksandar Petrović delved into key subjects, emphasizing a focused approach on sensitive and particularly problematic areas. Special remarks from the perspective of judicial practice were also highlighted.

The event, characterized by an interactive and lively discussion, covered the hiring freeze in Serbia in terms of its extension and exceptions. Temporary staff redundancy was discussed, covering its legal basis, the absence of court practice, and the employer’s potential obligation to declare redundant temporary staff. Criteria for selecting redundant staff were then presented through court practice.

The second main topic centred around the prohibition of competition. Challenges faced by employers, practical solutions, territorial validity, fee amount, contractual penalty, and employee release from this obligation were extensively discussed.

Abuse of sick leave as a reason for dismissal was the third topic, encompassing disciplinary violations, mechanisms for checking violations, and relevant court practices.

The dynamic nature of employment law challenges both practitioners and companies to remain proactive, ensuring that they are well-equipped to address the complexities that arise in the realm of employment relationships. As we move forward, a commitment to ongoing education about the ever-evolving legal landscape will be essential for those engaged in the world of employment law. Through such events, we aim to foster further understanding in navigating the challenges ahead.


Partner and Senior Associate refer to Independent Attorney at Law in cooperation with Karanovic & Partners.

The information in this document does not constitute legal advice on any particular matter and is provided for general informational purposes only.