
Balkan Arbitration Event

Highlights from the Balkan Arbitration Conference 2023

The Balkan Arbitration Conference was held in Zagreb this year on 28 and 29 September, attracting numerous international dispute resolution experts.

During the event, our Partner Milica Savić spoke in a panel focused on the annual Balkan round-up, engaging in discussions about the latest developments in arbitration across the region.

Our colleague, Partner Minu A. Gvardjančić from Ketler & Partners, member of Karanovic, took part in the closing panel, introducing a novel format to the conference.

In this session, speakers addressed a variety of questions posed by participants and panellists from other panels, covering topics ranging from procedural matters to challenges related to arbitrator selection in the Balkans and advocating for a more pan-Balkan approach to arbitration.

Originating in 2021, this conference continues to promote collaboration and foster the arbitration practice within the Balkan region. Once again, it provided an exceptional platform to gain insight from leading arbitration practitioners and to sustain our professional network.


Partner refers to Independent Attorney at Law in cooperation with Karanovic & Partners.

The information in this document does not constitute legal advice on any particular matter and is provided for general informational purposes only.