
Business Breakfast in Slovenia

Labour Law Breakfast: Presenting News Developments

On 20 June, our colleagues from Ketler & Partners, member of Karanovic, organised their second Business Breakfast in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The event took place in the Intercontinental Hotel.

The event’s purpose was to present new developments in the field of labour law to current and prospective clients, and participants were eager to share their expertise and facilitate meaningful discussions about it.

Our colleague and labour law expert, Saša Oražem, Senior Counsel, presented the upcoming requirements for recording working time and breaks of employees. Partner Minu A. Gvardjančič, presented legislative changes aimed at reducing administrative barriers to the employment of foreign workers. They were followed up by Senior Associate Kevin Rihtar, who explained the employers’ additional obligations from the Whistleblowers Protection Act.

The gathering witnessed a diverse group of professionals, including legal experts, HR managers, and business owners, that contributed to the event by sharing their experiences and concerns about the practical implications of the new regulations. Looking ahead, we remain excited to organize more similar events in the future, recognizing the value they bring to clients regarding legal updates and networking opportunities.


The information in this document does not constitute legal advice on any particular matter and is provided for general informational purposes only.